Saturday, November 3, 2007

#23The end?

I cannot believe that I have finally reached the end of the Learning 2.0 program. To say that I was a reluctant blogger at first is a bit of an understatement. I've always considered that I'm a bit of a technophobe and not that good with new technology - a belief probably shared by our IT department as I was one of the last people asked to participate in this program. However I have learned a great deal about myself, my abilities and the wonderful world available out there in cyberspace. I had great fun with some things and had some difficulty with others as I suppose is only natural. It was good to be doing the program with others at work as we were able to help each other and talk our way through problems we were encountering, even if we sometimes sounded like we were speaking a foreign language. My vocabulary has improved as well - I can now understand the words widget, wiki, blogs, Flicr, etc. instead of gazing at the speaker with a vacant stare. I've also learnt to follow technical instructions as I threaded my way through all the various sites all which differ slightly. I also learnt to give things a try (again and again and again) until I succeed.

The whole blogging thing is amazing and I'd never realised what a remarkable communication tool it can be and the potential it has for the sharing of information. The Learning 2.0 program also made me aware of the range of on-line resources available and consider how we can use these in the library setting. As new technologies are going to become part of our daily life in the library it is important that we have the opportunity to explore and become familiar with at least some of the things that are out there.

Thanks to those involved in the Learning 2.0 program for the opportunity to explore new frontiers. I guess it's now up to me to continue exploring!


Talking books are becoming more and more popular and I like the idea of people being able to download audiobooks to their mp3 players. The fact that the audio file is automatically deleted is great too - sought of like an automatic returns system.

I checked out the World ebook fair site but wasn't very impressed with it. I found it quite poorly structured and the first 5 books I looked for I was unable to find. I then tried searching for particular authors with very limited success as well. I then selected some of the sites offerings (Sherlock Holmes) but found that before I could listen to them I was prompted to enter my user name and password. When I went to sign up I was asked to make a donation so I didn't bother.

I'm certain that their must be other ebook sites out there - in fact I'm ceratin I've come across them in my wanderings in cyberspace. Now if I could only remember where they were.

More podcasting

I had a great idea for using podcasts in the library. We can have a podcast for new members to listen to explaining all about the library, our services, expectations, rules, etc. The podcasts could also be available in all other languages as well. Just imagine, we would never have to give the joining spiel again!

Friday, November 2, 2007


I have listened to podcasts before and knew that many radio staions now podcast the "best bits" of various shows.  I started my search on and found that there was a podcast on nearly everything.  Looking at the Top 10 tags I wasn't surprised to find that music was first and closely followed by comedy.  I used "books" as a search and then checked out the Chronicle Books and SimonSays podcasts - both were okay but not great.  I checked out the Books and writing podcast and listened to an interview with Kate Grenville and another with Alice Munro.  This podcast was more interesting than the others but it was bit disappointing that there was nothing earlier than January 2006 to listen to. 

We have podcast author talks on our library website before and other than that I'm not exactly certain how they could be best used in the public library setting. However, I've no doubt that podcasts will become part of our daily life at work.

I added search for library books as a RSS feed to my bloglines account. 

Just to keep "playing" I used Zoho to write this post - I've mentioned this site to so many people who didn't even know it existed.  I've got to go now I need to show my Gen Y child how to download a video onto a Facebook site - now that is truly amazing!


I had a terrific time playing on you tube - I can see why so many people are addicted to it as it is so easy to move from one topic to another. It created much laughter at my home with my children having to share their favourite videos with me. The "How to fillet a flathead video" was actually used by someone I know(named witheld for a price). This just goes to show how very practical the information can be.
There is certainly room for this type of communication for public libraries. Imagine a video of how to use the catalogue in place of text instruction - much more fun and probably more useful as well. How strange it is to be discussing all that we have been experimenting with during our Learning 2.0 experience when the librarians in the "Do you want to be a librarian" clip were coming to terms with microfilm, motion pictures and record players. How quickly things change and how quickly we adapt to the changes!

Friday, October 26, 2007

#19Discovcering Web 2.0 tools

Had a look at several of the different catagories and found quite a few of our old friends in the mix - bloglines, Technorati , Zoho writer and Library thing just to name a few. I went to a few of the areas but was disappointed to find that they were American based - I don't think I'll be able to get to America to pick up the latest bargain on winter coats! Had a good look at the books catagory and spent a fair bit of time at Found a great site at which is loaded with heaps of great organizational tools - one day I'll become better organized, when I can just find the time!

The sheer volume of Web 2.0 technologies available is staggering and I'm not certain how much just one person can use but if you want or need something there seems to be a way you can find it online.

I'm not certain how these sites can be used in the public library setting but I'm certain someone will think of ways we can use these technologies.

I love this quote from Douglas Adams.

#18Web-based apps

Until today I didn't even know these web-based programs were available. I signed up for Zoho (I'm can't keep track of how many sites I've joined and I'm certain I'll have trouble remembering all my passwords) and inadvertantly registered for zoho wiki - I'm not quite certain what this means but will go back and investigate later on. I'm impressed with how many different things you can do on Zoho - word processing, spreadsheets, templates presentations, etc. You can even start your own online tools. I looked at Notebook and liked the edit, share and publish export functions - I tried to share my document with someone but haven't heard yet whether I was successful or not. Spent some time looking at all the templates they have but didn't add any of my own. I'm amazed that all of this is available for free and how easy it is to use.

I was very surprised to find that I can publish to my blog directly from Zoho. If I'm writing something in Zoho and find the urge to publish it to my blog I can do it with the push of a button - no cutting or pasting and I don't even have to log into my blog. This post was done on Zoho writer and published to my blog directly. That's very cool! cool

Saturday, October 20, 2007


Since the word wiki comes from the Hawaiin phrase wiki wiki meaning something fast I thought I should include some images of Hawaii.


Had a play in the Learning 2.0 favourites wiki and added my blog to the Favourite blogs page. This was very easy and the instructions very easy to follow. Spent longer than I anticipated just looking around but I guess thats what I was supposed to do!

This photo has nothing at all to do with wikis but I thought it was time I revisited Flicr and added another image to my blog.


My only previous experience of wikis was the Wikipedia which I often go to for general information or to settle an argument at home. Until this discovery exercise I hadn't realised how many wikis were out there and all the various organisations that have them. I think the collaborative nature of wikis is great and the sharing of information can only be a good thing but I worry about the possibility of incorrect information being treated as fact. Our knowledge and opinions on many topics are very subjective and any editing we do to the wiki might show this bias. I understand why some teachers do not allow students to use wikis as a reference but it is a great way to get general information on a variety of topics very easily and quickly.

I love the collabrative and community nature of wikis and the thought that the wiki can represent a consensus within a community as mentioned in the article Using wikis to create online communities. This article also mentioned making the library website the online hub of the community. Since we spend a great deal of time considering how we can become part of the community this might be worth considering. I also liked the idea of library customers adding to the catalogue (I can hear the screams from some Bib. Services staff). I hasten to add that their imput should be in the form of reviews, etc of books they have read and not the actual catalogue entry - at least not at first.

I think wikis are a great resource and we should certainly consider how we can utilise them in the public library setting.

Saturday, October 13, 2007


Well I've had an interesting, if sometimes confusing, look at the technorati site. The thought of 50 million blogs is overwhelming - where do people get the time? I did the "learning 2.0" search in the 3 different search fields, and got different results in each. Getting useful results really depends on the words you use. Searching all the words gave me over 34,000 results, whereas the exact phrase, Learning 2.0, cut this to just over 4,000. I liked the way the results from the tag search displayed sorting the results into quickview, posts, blogs, etc.
After this I searched looked at a few of the most popular sites and found quite a few there that I have used before including Boing Boing which I came across when i was doing the RSS feeds. Anyway I signed up and had a go at claiming my blog (I think I was successful), have released the "spiders" and even managed to add another widget to my blog. I think that may be enough new technology for my tired brain today - think I'll go and have a nap or a drink (maybe both).

#15 On Library 2.0 and Web 2.0

Reading the articles on the OCLC Next Space Newsletter, especially the article by Rick Anderson ("Away from the 'icebergs'") made me reconsider the way I felt libraries should go in the future. I've always considered that libraries should move with the times and embrace new technology and methods of providing information but I have trouble letting go of the more traditional services we offer. In his article Rick Anderson states that "As a Web 2.0 reality continues to emerge and develop, our patrons will expect access to everything – digital collections of journals, books, blogs, podcasts, etc. You think they can’t have everything? Think again. This may be our great opportunity." At almost every meeting within the library we have a discussion on falling visits/loans and what we can do to alter the trend. If libraries are to continue to grow and meet the needs of future generations then we will have to adapt and change with the times very quickly.

On a personal level the Learning 2.0 experience has made me explore many sites that I would otherwise have never encountered and hopefully will make me better able to meet the needs and expectations of our customers.

Well it's been quite fascinating to see how works and I can see the benefits of its use. Overall the idea of this website is a good one, it can benefit a lot of people and establish networks. The favorites button I've been using on my computer has always seemed like a great tool but it is very limited as you can only access it from the computer you put the favorites on. allows you to access your favorites from any computer that has internet access. Installing the 2 buttons was really easy and probably a first for me because I tend not to take those steps in my use of the internet (always scared I'll cause untold damage to the computer). I created my own account and I think I'll keep adding to it with useful and frequently used sites. It seems that this site offers a great way to save time as you don't have to log onto individual sites and all your favourite and most used sites are available at the press of a button.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

#12 Rollyo

The Rollyo site is great. Either my brain is working differently or else all this learning is having an effect because I'm finding the new concepts easier to understand (hope the trend continues). I can see how much time and effort can be saved by having favourite sites at my fingertips on Rollyo. No more wading through hundreds of useless sites just to find the few I want and trust. I can see relevant uses within the library, too, as we could have rolls on various topics/subjects which would reduce searching time for information queries.
Maybe I'll have to go back to both the Library thing and Rollyo sites to get a bit more practice....

Saturday, October 6, 2007

#11Library Thing

Oops! I forgot to put a title on my last post.


I loved this site! I found it very user friendly and easy to manoeuvre around the different areas. I got caught in the group and talk sections for ages and knew then that this is a site I would be returning to frequently.

These are some of the titles on my Library thing site. I just searched for any book that came to mind but I've since decided that I instead of just listing books I have previously read and enjoyed I'll use Library Thing to remind me of books I intend to read or re-read - a sort of must read list!

Am I technophobe? (#7Technology)

I was about to answer yes to this question until I realised just how much technology I use on a regular basis. I think nothing of calling mobile phones, keeping in touch with overseas/interstate friends via e-mails, paying bills on line, taping a TV show on my VCR whilst watching a DVD, organising overseas travel on the net, checking my bank balances and transfering money on line - the list seems endless. I use so many forms of technology both at home and at work and rarely consider the changes and advances made over the past years. While I ofen bemoan the fact that technology has made the pace of life so fast I don't think I would like to go back to waiting in bank queues! (However, I still have no intention of getting a mobile phone).
I have never been very adventurous with new technology and have usually waited until I've had to learn to use it. The Learning 2.0 program has been a terrific learning curve for me as I have had to venture into the great unknown and discover many new, interesting and sometimes very frustrating things.

Friday, October 5, 2007

#10 Image generator

Image generator was fun - I now realise how people can spend hours just playing around on the web as every site leads you to another site and another site.....
I was never much of a net surfer but now I'm hearing "Are you still on that computer?". 15 minutes just goes soo quickly!

Thursday, October 4, 2007


The last part of this discovery exercise has generated much discussion around the workplace. I'm still not quite certain I have it quite right but I think my url is as follows:

There have been many interesting discussions about many facets of "blogging", what it means to different people and it's many and varied uses. Some people have become very creative and have shared their discoveries with the rest of us who in turn are tempted to visit new sites and try new things.

The Learning 2.0 journey is ceratinly an interesting one.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Stay calm

I couldn't resist going into Flickr again and I found this image titled Calm. After all the information my tired brain is trying to come to terms with it's great just to sit and look at something so peaceful and relaxing.

Simplicity (38RSS & Newsreader)

"Make life really simple" is the promise - maybe one day. I'm all for the simple life.

This weeks activities were really challenging for me but I managed to navigate my way through Bloglines and added feeds to my account. Once I got the hang of it I was able to enjoy looking at the sites and the extraordinary amount of information that is available "out there".

I haven't quite finished the activity - still have to find my bloglines url - but I'm rather tired now so I think rest is needed before I continue my learning journey.

Monday, September 24, 2007

As I started this today I wondered how long it would take me this time. Imagine my surprise when within 30 mins. I had had a look at Flickr and saved an image onto my blog. Hope my luck holds.

Flickr was really interesting and some of the images were fantastic. Technology gives us so many new ways to communicate and share experiences through blogs and sites like Flickr.

It's hard to remember how wary I was of technology (especially computer technology) and how impressed I was when I managed to set the timer on my VCR. It is quite overwhelming when I think of the changes the next ten years will bring.

Brave new world here I come!

Wonders of technology (#5Flickr)

This image is labelled "Confused" and for some strange reason it appealed to me.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

By George I think I did it

"It would only take 3 minutes and require 3 easy steps to set up this blog". Yeah - maybe for some. However here I am and I think I'm in the right place and the right time. Now if only I could think of something witty and interesting to fill this space.