Saturday, October 6, 2007

Am I technophobe? (#7Technology)

I was about to answer yes to this question until I realised just how much technology I use on a regular basis. I think nothing of calling mobile phones, keeping in touch with overseas/interstate friends via e-mails, paying bills on line, taping a TV show on my VCR whilst watching a DVD, organising overseas travel on the net, checking my bank balances and transfering money on line - the list seems endless. I use so many forms of technology both at home and at work and rarely consider the changes and advances made over the past years. While I ofen bemoan the fact that technology has made the pace of life so fast I don't think I would like to go back to waiting in bank queues! (However, I still have no intention of getting a mobile phone).
I have never been very adventurous with new technology and have usually waited until I've had to learn to use it. The Learning 2.0 program has been a terrific learning curve for me as I have had to venture into the great unknown and discover many new, interesting and sometimes very frustrating things.

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