Saturday, November 3, 2007

#23The end?

I cannot believe that I have finally reached the end of the Learning 2.0 program. To say that I was a reluctant blogger at first is a bit of an understatement. I've always considered that I'm a bit of a technophobe and not that good with new technology - a belief probably shared by our IT department as I was one of the last people asked to participate in this program. However I have learned a great deal about myself, my abilities and the wonderful world available out there in cyberspace. I had great fun with some things and had some difficulty with others as I suppose is only natural. It was good to be doing the program with others at work as we were able to help each other and talk our way through problems we were encountering, even if we sometimes sounded like we were speaking a foreign language. My vocabulary has improved as well - I can now understand the words widget, wiki, blogs, Flicr, etc. instead of gazing at the speaker with a vacant stare. I've also learnt to follow technical instructions as I threaded my way through all the various sites all which differ slightly. I also learnt to give things a try (again and again and again) until I succeed.

The whole blogging thing is amazing and I'd never realised what a remarkable communication tool it can be and the potential it has for the sharing of information. The Learning 2.0 program also made me aware of the range of on-line resources available and consider how we can use these in the library setting. As new technologies are going to become part of our daily life in the library it is important that we have the opportunity to explore and become familiar with at least some of the things that are out there.

Thanks to those involved in the Learning 2.0 program for the opportunity to explore new frontiers. I guess it's now up to me to continue exploring!

1 comment:

Yarra Plenty Library Regional Library said...

Congratulations Learning 2.0 graduate... a job well done
Good luck in the draw for the laptop
